Don’t hate the rich – use them!

The rich are getting richer, and many cry foul play. The income gap between the rich and the poor in the United States is bigger than ever, but what can you do about it? Bashing the rich may feel good, but perhaps there’s a more strategic and productive approach you could take. How about taking advantage of them to win this game of life?

Use the rich

As a rule, rich people grow wealthier by building corporations. They do indeed use Government lobbyists to win contracts, gain incentives, and preserve tax loopholes to beat the competition, but they also invite all of us to share the profits (buy shares). I suggest you accept this invitation! Every time they get richer, so will you, and you don’t even have to put in the work! But you have to invest ..

No money?

Your only sacrifice is to spend less than you make for a while, and that’s achievable for most Americans. My 8 year old daughter invests some of her allowance, and she now owns Disney, NVIDIA, Microsoft, Tesla and hundreds of other companies (with her $238 bucks!). Whenever any of these companies make a profit, she gets a piece and grows “richer”, encouraging her to save even more. Buying that 3rd Barbie doll is no longer such an emergency.

Fifty bucks gets you started

Buying an efficient portfolio with all of these companies will cost you about fifty bucks! Just make a decision to take charge and to live Alpha (“beans and rice”) for a few years. Invest the savings and ride on the success of the rich you love to hate. You will be glad you did.

The first million is the hardest

Creating a million dollar nest egg is not as hard as you think if you set your mind to it (“10 cuts to a million dollars”). Compounded interest is amazing, but you need to participate to get your first million. With a $1 Million portfolio at retirement you should be able to safely withdraw $40 thousand per year and never run out of money. Add that to your roughly $26 thousand annual Social Security check and your retirement should secured.

Are the rich so bad?

Many of the technological marvels and conveniences we enjoy today are a result of the ingenuity and sacrifices made by these very individuals. Whether it’s revolutionizing cars, colonizing Mars, or enabling seamless online shopping with lightning-fast deliveries. The contributions of visionaries like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos have reshaped our world and made them filthy rich. Just remember, for every one of these wealthy entrepreneurs, there are millions who tried and lost everything. We need these guys to move humanity forward.

Go get them!

Live Alpha, take charge, and use this proven formula. Warren Buffett famously stated: “If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you’ll work forever”. Stop wasting time on things you can’t control. Grow rich on the back of the rich!

Alpha Financial Nordic is a true fiduciary with 35 years of real acumen. We apply the best, time tested and data driven FIDUCIARY principles to MAXIMIZE your financial performance.  

It’s a winner’s game, and you are invited!

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